Gary Rhode

Gary Rhode

Reference Photos and How to Use Them

Painter working on a canvas in the outdoors

Some people condemn the entire rationale behind the use of reference photos in making art. They claim that replicating a photograph defeats the purpose of creativity and individualism in art. However, many artists find that painting from a reference photo…

How to Price Your Art?

Male artist showing his painting to female client interested in buying some artwork from an exhibition of an art gallery.

While working on a painting, rarely does anyone say to themselves, “this brushstroke was worth $25, and this varnish coat adds $100 to the price of my artwork.” Making art is a creative process that stimulates your imagination and senses,…

Art Facts: 3 Things You Can Learn

Paintbrush working on a painted canvas

What springs up in your mind when you first think about art? An astonishing lot of people still approach it as the career nemesis for people with no real aspirations. Some others view art as a pastime for ideal minds…